Chambers of Commerce in Korea


Korea hosts a vibrant network of Chambers of Commerce that support international business activities and foster economic relationships between Korea and various countries. These chambers offer a range of services, including networking events, market insights, and business advocacy. Below you can find a list of the key Chambers of Commerce in Korea:


American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea)

The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) is one of the largest foreign chambers of commerce in Korea. It plays a significant role in strengthening economic ties between the United States and Korea, providing extensive resources and support to American businesses operating in Korea.


Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AustCham Korea)

AustCham Korea facilitates business opportunities and strengthens economic relationships between Australia and Korea. It offers various services, including networking events, business forums, and market insights, to support Australian businesses in Korea.


Austrian Foreign Trade Office in Korea

The Austrian Foreign Trade Office in Korea assists Austrian companies in entering the Korean market and provides support in various trade-related activities. It operates under the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO).


European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK)

The European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) promotes the interests of European businesses in Korea. It offers a platform for networking, advocacy, and information exchange among European companies and Korean stakeholders.


French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Korea (FKCCI)

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Korea (FKCCI) supports French businesses in Korea by offering a range of services, including business consulting, networking events, and market research.


Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI)

The Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) is dedicated to promoting trade and investment between Germany and Korea. It provides business support services, organizes events, and offers market information to German businesses in Korea.


New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Korea (Kiwi Chamber)

The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Korea, also known as the Kiwi Chamber, focuses on enhancing business relations between New Zealand and Korea. It provides networking opportunities, market insights, and support for New Zealand businesses in Korea.


Swiss Global Enterprise

Swiss Global Enterprise (S-GE) supports Swiss companies in their international business ventures, including in Korea. It offers market insights, networking opportunities, and business consulting services to Swiss companies looking to expand in Korea.


Swiss-Korean Business Council (SKBC)

The Swiss-Korean Business Council (SKBC) promotes business relations between Switzerland and Korea. It provides a platform for networking, information exchange, and business support for Swiss companies in Korea.


These Chambers of Commerce play a crucial role in facilitating international trade, providing invaluable support to businesses, and fostering strong economic ties between their respective countries and Korea. Whether you are a business looking to enter the Korean market or seeking to expand your existing operations, these chambers offer the resources and networks necessary for success.